#projectmanagement #leadership #ethics #professionalethics

When people think of ethics they often think of the big things like stealing, lying, taking bribes. An ethical live is made up of many little things. It is the every day things that count. Not just at work, but in your entire life.
Are you doing what is right? Are you ensuring others are better for meeting you?
If you are the person who:
- Shouts at people
- Is unfair
- Discriminates, even against those perceived as “less valuable” – are you treating your maid or the askari at the gate as normal human beings as valuable as you are?
- Bribes the police man to get away with a wrong or a perceived wrong?
- Are you taking the bigger piece when cake is given out?
- Do you keep the traffic laws? Or are you one of those over lappers and red light jumpers? 😉
You may laugh at some of my examples, or think I don’t know how “difficult” things are. Trust me! I know! I have been there, I have been going to Immigrations day after day to either get someone’s passport, or to follow my own work permit or paperwork. Yeah, the perceived “easy way” out is to pay a bribe. But let me tell you one thing: It is easily possible to get them, if you are persistent and simply do not listen to any talk of a bribe. I got my permanent residence that way.
Other aspects of ethics
Ethics also spreads to how you treat people around you. How do you treat your team? Are you the one who talks badly about others? Are you putting them down? Rubbishing what they do or say?

Here are a few pointers for how to be the ethical team player:
- Treat all equal
- Listen to all
- Check yourself for any inner filters, biases or prejudices and remove them from your mind
- Speak up for those treated differently
- Be sensitive
- Check if all are comfortable in the team. If one isn’t then find out what is going on and deal with it
I think you are getting the gist, you can wrap it up in 1 sentence:
Be a Servant Leader!
Ethical Behavior is rewarding

If you teach yourself to be ethical in all circumstances and treat all ethical than you will see how this narrow path that not many go is rewarding. You will not only earn true respect and people will know what you stand for, but you will feel the deep satisfaction that comes with doing the right thing.
PMI Code of Ethics
All PMI Members, certification holders and volunteers are bound by the PMI Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct. When did you last look at it?
It gives a clear guidance on how we should behave and engage with each other. Check out the link I have given on that page you not only find the PMI Code of Ethics & Professional Conduct in downloadable format, but many links to additional resources.
Once you familiarize yourself you will see it is not that difficult and a lot goes along with values you probably grew up with and are familiar with.
Let’s all strive to become more ethics orientated and embrace the Code of Ethics as a lifestyle