Leadership means you work for the Team

Leadership mean serving your team

Today I saw the following quote on LinkedIn:

Great Leaders think they work for their Team, Average Leaders believe their Team works for them. Alexander Den Heijer

I couldn’t agree more! Unfortunately too many leaders still believe they need to tell their teams what to do and how to do it. This kills all creativity and can kill commitment as well. Let’s learn together how to serve our teams to bring out the best in them.

How can I serve my team?

Servant Leadership needs a shift of attitude

Here are a few steps & tips:

  1. Change your inner attitude – You are not here to tell them, you are here to enable them. Can you comfortably step away from your team and let them get on with it, trusting they will succeed?
  2. Build your team and build trust – bring them closer together so that they form a cohesive unit with you being one of them. Build genuine trust between all of you, so people feel free to speak up and know you have each others back
  3. Enable your team – when is the last time you asked them “What can I do to help you perform better”, then removed the stumbling blocks and barriers they mentioned
  4. Build meaningful relationships with each of the team members. Find something that connects you.
  5. Speak last when brain storming. Let them voice their ideas first and then summarize.
  6. Cheer them on, celebrate their wins and appreciate the individual contributions
  7. Get regular feedback from your team and listen to it.
  8. Have fun together!
A cohesive team that trusts each other and is comfortable with each other, works like a well oiled machine


If you manage to build your team as detailed above you will see how the team will grow beyond what they expected. They will have fun while doing it and your outcomes will be amazing.

So step back and start serving

Further reading: Why Compassion is a better managerial tactic than Toughness

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