Communication overload in Project Management

We are living in a day and age where we get information from all over. Every day there are new channels of information:

  • New Apps
  • New Software
  • New Collaboration Tools
  • Etc.

You can get so lost in all this and never be able to concentrate on anything. That’s where you need to organize yourself and structure your approach. If you don’t you risk drowning in this flood of information. In addition to that many of us have gotten addicted to social media updates to a certain level. This definitely diverts our attention, think of the times you have sat in a meeting and someone is physically present, but their mind & eyes are fixed on their phone. Think of how irritating it is. Now realize it is  just as irritating to others if you do it.

In order to survive in this world of over-information you need to:

  1. Decide what tool to use for what – it should be 1 tool for a group you work with, so that all the information is in the same place
  2. If you are in a team / group that works together, decide which tool to use. It should only be one. You can be the person to push for this even if you are not the team leader
  3. Set out the rules – what can be done and what can’t be done? What can you post, what can’t you post? Frequency? Timings? etc
  4. Control yourself
    1. Did you actually know that all the alerts on your phone can be set on silent?
    1. Did you know, that just because a message comes in, you do not need to open it there and then?
    1. Did you know that you do not need to respond to every message immediately? Just because someone is asking for a document or answer, does not mean you need to drop everything and do it right now.
    1. Sit down and analyze what kind of requests you need to respond to:
      1. Immediately
      1. Within 1-2 hours
      1. Same day
      1. Within 24 hours
      1. After 48 hours or more
  5. Focus on what you are doing and stop looking on your phone all the time
  6. Put your phone away, put it in your bag, when you are having a meeting
  7. Social Media info is not going away, just because you have not read it immediately. You can check it after work or during a break if you must

If you work on the above points, you can get yourself to focus more on your work and safe time. Think about it.

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