PMO Set-up

No two Project Management Offices (PMO) are exactly the same. You need to analyze which type(s) of PMO you need and then develop a carefully crafted implementation plan.

Successful implementation of a PMO needs you to do:

  • Major Change Management
  • Intensive training for yourself and your team
  • Senior Management needs to understands and agree with the planned implementation
  • Buy-in is required
A well set-up PMO will ensure project success

If you follow these points you will be setting yourself up for success.

We will take you through the process of

  • Identifying the needs in your companies
  • Analyzing the corporate priorities
  • Identifying the suitable PMO type(s)
  • Integration of the PMO into the organizational set-up
  • Revision of the corporate org chart
  • Revision of the management approach

We will work with your Senior Management and the Project Management Team to identify the actual needs in terms of sensitization, training, knowledge, processes etc. With this we will develop a plan for successful implementation.